Thursday 21 May 2015

Who nicked my vote & now treats me with contempt?

At one time 100% of our laws were made by our MPs.  Over the last 40 years or so, the UK Parliament's right to legislate in specific areas have been transferred to unelected Commissioners in Brussels, resulting in only 30% - 40% of our laws being "home grown".    
In reality, what we have in the House of Commons - and the House of Lords - is a collection of people employed by the taxpayer to exercise the residual powers of the UK state.  Furthermore, since many of the major areas of governance, such as education and health have been devolved to the Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly and NI Assembly, the actual % of laws originating in UK Parliament in Westminster will be much less (perhaps substantially less) than the 30 - 40% quoted above.   
The EU Commissioners take an oath to represent the interests of the EU super-state, not national governments.  If we are unhappy about the way they govern, or the laws they make, there's nothing we can do to remove them.   
We are asked to vote for an MEP whose role in the EU Parliament is merely to propose amendments to legislation written and decided by the unelected Commission.  Furthermore, that MEP will sit in an institution which is a Parliament in name only, there to provide a facade of democracy.  
Our politicians willingly transferred much of the governance of the UK to the unelected government of the EU that goes by the name of the EU Commission.  In doing so, they took away our ability to sack the people who govern most of our affairs. 
I've often wondered, particularly recently, why our politicians did this?  Why rob us of our right to hold those who govern us to account at the ballot box? 
From the EU's right to seize our fracked gas & other natural resources "in times of crisis", or banning certain kinds of light bulb or vacuum cleaner, the EU can - and does - bring in laws that an elected government could be punished for at the ballot box or which they simply couldn't introduce in the first place because of public opinion.  The EU Commission doesn't have these "disadvantages", since it doesn't need to justify its actions to an electorate. 
Perhaps our career politicians have found a way of getting round the will of the voter.  By transferring responsibility for law making to the unaccountable EU Commission, the will of the electorate can be ignored.   
Those same politicians also avoid being blamed for all those laws.  By setting overall policy in committee with the  leaders & ministers of the other EU states (in the Council of Ministers) they spread the blame (eg. "we fought hard, but were over ruled by the others") and pass the buck to the EU (eg. "EU rules say...").   
Our MPs are paid £67,060 basic salary (those with official roles will be paid substantially more) plus generous expenses, provision of housing etc., just so that they can sit back and, in the main, let others govern the UK.   In doing so, they treat us with contempt.